Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: A couple more episodes of The Last Detective. Also watched some News Radio - I'd forgotten how funny that show was, Dave Foley and Phil Hartman especially.

TV: Caught the Bill Moyers' Journal on impeachment (DVR'd). Made me madder than hell on top of how mad my first listed book had already made me... Starting watching Splitting Heirs. Not that funny, really, so I quit during the funeral. (If it gets better and is worth watching, let me know - it's on On Demand.) Supercop - I do like Jackie Chan and this was a very acceptable opus from his oeuvre, so to speak. The Doctor, of course - part 1 - only one quibble. If they were going to shoot it in late summer, why did they date the paper November 1? So far, at least, the date's not crucial. But Central Park is way too green for November... Still, "Oh, he's into musical theater? Too bad..." too funny.

Read: The Italian Letter - man, some of that crap they've pulled I had almost forgotten in the wake of all the rest of it. Like the whole "try to get ElBaradei fired" gambit. Why aren't they impeached yet? Started The Makioka Sisters - good so far. I'm wondering how large a role the White Russians are going to play; they weren't in the movie at all.



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