Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Week in Entertainment

I'm in Minneapolis for workshops. They're engrossing and keeping me busy, so I haven't done much but work, and read Agatha Christie, mostly Poirots...

But! I did watch the season finale of Dr Who. If you haven't seen it, Rory Williams
I don't want to spoil it, but - Rory!!! (I do like it when there are two Companions, plus I just like Rory. He's wonderful.) Plus that wonderful line from Amy's mom: "I don't want her growing up and joining one of those Star Cults. I don't trust that Richard Dawkins."

Also, watched Leverage tonight. Excellent, as usual. Hardison and Eliot play off each other very well - I'm especially thinking of the exchange where Eliot told Hardison he had escaped armed pursuers while handcuffed to someone before.
Hardison: "This? In the woods?"
Eliot: "Exactly this! But it was easier last time."
Hardison: "Why?"
Eliot: "He was already dead!"



At 10:11 AM, July 26, 2010 Blogger fev had this to say...

Dawkins is also the only Star Cult leader to be married to a Companion, far as I know.

Great episode, wasn't it?


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