Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: Amazing Grace was very good, despite the occasional dramatic license with the facts - and the strange subtitles I noticed when listening to the commentary. Some more of It Ain't Half Hot Mum.

TV: The Middle: I love Frankie getting mad over Mike's hoarding batteries. But I have to say his "At least I'm not having an affair" defense made me think of Buffy's demand to Spike: "You want credit for not feeding on the broken bodies of the victims?" Ed Asner cracked me up, too. Grimm: This show doesn't need a recurring villain except the police chief... Modern Family - "He shoved me! I thought you had your anger problem under control." "The renowned duo Fizzbo & Louis", and the clown car! Snerk! "I guess he has a thing for you, too." The Mentalist - snerk! Jane got punched! Frankly, I'm surprised he doesn't get hit more often. And an extra one (so I really don't know why the DVR missed the regularly scheduled one a couple of weeks ago...), and that was very nice. Also nice to see someone clearly not actually getting chemo (you don't keep your eyebrows, as Jane pointed out) who was faking it. I liked Cho's developing story, too. But he's going to find kicking his painkillers without anybody noticing is hard, at best. Once Upon A Time is developing a lot of intrigue. Red was the wolf? Wow.

Read: Fatal Voyage: The Wrecking of the Costa Concordia, pretty interesting. The Heart of Haiku: Jane Hirschfeld examines haiku and Bashō, and it's wonderful. An Unexpected Twist, a very funny short by Andy Borowitz about a medical emergency that nearly killed him - and yes, I did say "very funny". Envy by Yuri Olesha - a darkly comic look at the early days of the Soviet Union. A Whole Nother Story and The Name of This Book Is a Secret, two unrelated YAs that were delightful.



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