Saturday, April 22, 2006

Comet's Fragment To Hit Earth....Not

Phil Plait over at Bad Astronomy had a piece a while back about the comet that's going to wipe out the earth come May.

A few months back, this "news" syndicator had a totally bogus article about a "chaos cloud" that was going to doom us all. The original source? The Weekly World News. Like it took a rocket scientist to figure out that was garbage.

Evidently, Yahoo!News is trying to top their own dumbosity. This time, they are reporting -- as straight news -- a story that on May 25 of this year a comet fragment will impact the Earth. Their source? the Exopolitics Institute, which studies UFOs, crop circles, and no doubt the Tooth Fairy and Bat Boy.

Needless to say, it's not going to hit us. It's not going to come anywhere close.

What's worrying isn't even that Yahoo!News ran the story - I mean, it was a press release, they were paid for it. What's worrying is that a lot of people will likely believe it.

Daniel at Wolverine's Den has a very nice article about the whole phenomenon. Check it out - the man makes sense.

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