Sunday, April 23, 2006

Harrassing Dr Pianka ... That Horse Has Died

Over at "Heaven Is Not The Sky" is an interesting series about Denyse O'Leary and her ongoing, unravelling, and backtracking harrassment of Dr Eric Pianka, the heaven-sent "Dr Doom" who, allegedly and untruly, "advocated the agonizing death of 90% of the world's population."

Like much that is "heaven sent" it turns out that it's all in the ear of the listener. A lot of people heard what they wanted to hear, and O'Leary ran with it. Now that it turns out there's proof that he didn't say that, and in fact didn't say anything that even faintly resembles that, the whole witch hunt is coming apart.

It makes an interesting case study - in almost collapsed time, speeded up to the point of silliness and yet in real time!

(You can read Dr Pianka's own web site before you go over to Heaven Is Not....)



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