Sunday, April 23, 2006

An interesting question

Jonathan Chait, in the Sunday LA Times, writes,
LAST WEEK, I WROTE in this space that John McCain is repositioning himself from Bush-smiting champion of the center-left to Falwell-feting champion of the loony right. I also wrote that that's not such a bad thing.


I suspect that if he emerges victorious from the primaries, he will have had to shed many of his ideals. It's not attractive. On the other hand, it's better than a Republican who didn't have to sell his soul to get the nomination. I'd prefer somebody who's uncomfortable in Karl Rove's Republican Party to somebody who genuinely likes it.
It's not attractive.

But it is a point of view.

Would a McCain - snuggled up to Falwell & Co but hating it - be better than a Bush-crony?

I know he couldn't be worse, but that's not the question. Would he be better?

Not to say I'd vote for him - I wouldn't - or respect him - I don't, any more, though I did once - but could I tolerate him if he won the nomination or - shivers down the spine - the presidency?

I don't know.



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