Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Torture Is Unamerican

I don't do this much, but this is something I really do believe. I've already clashed with my big boss at work over her "whatever it takes" statement - I really don't think we deserve to be saved if we turn into monsters while we do it.

I have reservations about most on-line petitions, but I think this one is organized enough, and also requires enough info, that it will probably accomplish its purpose.

So - please, won't you do this?

If you agree with me that torture, indefinite detention and secret government kidnapping are un-American, I think you’ll be interested in a petition that I just signed.

These practices should not represent the United States of America. But today, two years after the truth was exposed about government-sponsored torture and abuse, the U.S. has failed to reverse the policies that led to this abuse -- and has yet to hold a single high-ranking official responsible.

After the horrors of World War II, our leaders helped draft universal principles that prohibit torture and protect human rights. I hope you join me in defending that legacy by signing the petition and speaking out against torture.

Please join with thousands of others and sign the petition today: ACLU Torture Is Unamerican Petition


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