Saturday, May 27, 2006

Warrants: of selective value it appears

I'm so upset. I've written my senators to complain that they voted for this man. As Reuters said, accurately (unfortunately):
The U.S. Senate on Friday confirmed Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden as CIA director in a vote that gave a broad bipartisan endorsement to the architect of President George W. Bush's domestic spying program. [emphases mine]
Sure, there weren't the votes to defeat the nomination. But - but!!!! How on earth can we (Democrats) protest warrantless wiretapping and all that it implies and then hand the CIA over to the man who was the architect? How can we let this have "broad bipartisan support"???

At least nobody I've given money to this year voted for it. (Full list of how the votes break down here (by the way, why is there an astrological breakout? It doesn't seem to mean anything - look, there are three Leos, and they all voted differently! But I digress...))

Looks like this bumper sticker is more right than I thought when first I saw it... sigh

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