Thursday, June 22, 2006


"That's absurd!" cried W, when asked what he had to say to Europeans who thought the US was now the biggest threat to global stability.
Etymology: Middle French absurde, from Latin absurdus harsh-sounding, incongruous, absurd, from ab- 1ab- + surdus dull-sounding, silent, deaf -- more at SURD
1 : marked by an obvious lack of reason, common sense, proportion, or accord with accepted ideas : ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous
absurd as to forget you're a man, and to act like a child -- Anthony Trollope>
2 : SELF-CONTRADICTORY: fallacious by reason of contradiction
Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster, 2002. (24 Jun. 2006).
So, I'm guessing the concepts of "US" and "threat to global stability" are self-contradictory to W. The idea is marked by an obvious lack of common sense and accord with accepted ideas.

True Believers don't deal with competing Truths© do, they?

It might have better for him to ask why anyone would think such a thing, instead of just denying the thing's existence.

I'm just sayin' ... especially since what's an 'accepted idea' pretty much depends on who's doing the accepting. Or not, as the case may be



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