Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I Might Start Going Again

I was born and raised an Episcopalian (in fact, my mother was carrying me when she was confirmed), but in recent years I have found myself drifting into apatheism.

But after the last two days, I might start attending church again.

I'm so proud of my old church for electing Bishop Jefferts Schori as Presiding Bishop - she of the scientific mind, and the acceptance of evolution and the age of the universe, and the clear-sighted evaluation of what the church should be involved in - and then today they stood firm against the rest of the world-wide "communion" and refused to recant the election of Bishop Gene Robinson, to apologize and promise not to do it again. This "would have signaled that the American denomination understood the concerns of Anglican leaders".

I think they signaled that they understood the concerns - and rejected them decisively.

No going back to the Dark Ages. No return to hate and bigotry. Not for them.

Hell. Maybe not for us.



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