Thursday, June 29, 2006

Such good law, even this court can see it

In "a stunning rebuff to President Bush" the Supreme Court ruled the military tribunals at Gitmo to be "illegal under both American law and the Geneva Conventions" (quotes from BBC World News).

Bush said he'd "conform with the ruling of the Supreme Court" - said it with a shrug and a grimace, as if to convey how freaking annoyed he is that he couldn't get the Court to announce that Congress had in fact given him "a blank check". Instead, the Court said that the rule of law is everywhere, not just where Bush (or indeed any President) wants it to be.

Lt Commander Charles Swift, the military lawyer who took Hamdan's case and fought it all the way, said, speaking of the Court: "They brought the law to Guantánamo Bay."

LtCmdr Swift - you deserve a nation's grateful thanks.

I hope you get it.

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