A Day in Cambridge

I went up to Cambridge today - 45 minutes or so on the express from London, £17.40 for a round-trip ticket. The train to Cambridge was actually cool! (Unlike the Underground, which has been brutal this week. It may be hotter in the States, but at least the subways and [most] building have a/c!)
I had a blast! Wandered around the city, getting lost only once (it's easy to do, so few of the streets have signs with their names on them) - saw the Wren library (first edition of Principia Mathematica with Newton's own notes for the second edition!) and the Pepys library (the diaries themselves!), and took a punt tour of the Backs.
Lovely city and a lovely day - wind came up and it cooled off, threatening to rain - which it finally did at 1716, just as the train was pulling out. Of course, when I got back to London I learned that it had barely spit a few drops and it was just as hot and nasty as ever - just the 10 minute walk from the station was more exhausting than the whole 7 hours in Cambridge!
Still, I'm enjoying London. The city is vibrant and filled with all sorts of people ... and such wonderful things to look at, too.
Labels: meditations
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