Thursday, August 10, 2006

Harsh words, well-earned

Over at Pooflinger's place, Matt, who recently celebrated his blog's first anniversary, was feeling all chuffed because he'd gotten himself his very own troll. Her name is Annie, and she has to be read to be believed. Matt dedicated an entire thread to Annie, and she responded like the creationism-spouting intolerant bigot she is. She quite rapidly became so vitriolic that she was getting no slack at all. You can check it out if you want, but I thought I'd give you what is at this moment the last post. Scott calls Annie on her rabid equation of fundamentalist Christianity with USA-patriotism:
And as an atheist with two children, Annie STFU, now. Please.

Oh yeah, I'm also a veteran. During Desert Storm I was an atheist in a foxhole. Well, actually a four duece mortar pit, but same thing. So play the un-patriotic card if you want but try and get this through your thick fucking skull. I WAS THERE! Where were you? My ass was on the line, not yours. My atheism grew stronger driving down the highway of death. You know why? All I saw were dead people. Not Iraqis. People. People like me. Sons, fathers, husbands, people that were loved by somebody. You know who I didn't see? god. It's called experience, Annie. Get some. At this point, I've forgotten more than you know. Moron.

Scott: I applaud you. And I agree with you (though my military service was in Germany in the Cold War, not Iraq in a hot one).



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