Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Heading South (Vers le sud), an intriguing and lovely film with a dark side - very good - I'm a Charlotte Rampling fan, anyway.

TV: House! Yay! It's back - and it's on at 8, which means when Veronica Mars comes back I can watch it without having to wait till Sunday (assuming the local channel will still be doing that...) The Stargates, as always... you know, Vala is growing on me. But I wish the writers would stop thinking that humiliating McKay makes for funny scenes. Finally caught "Snow Falling on Cedars". (You know what I noticed about it right away? We got eight names - including the big "and Max von Sydow" before we got the first woman's name - despite how important Hatsue is to the story. Oh, well... it was pretty good, anyway.)

DVDs: I started Planetes a while back... things came up and I got sidetracked, but I went back and finished it. I enjoyed it; good show. Also, as Jacob recaps Farscape on Television Without Pity I've been rewatching the first season... Not for the first time, of course, but with a new viewpoint. Damn, that is an excellent program.

Read: Huxley's Man's Place in Nature. Started Sarah Vowell's Take the Cannoli (I love her writing).



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