Monday, October 16, 2006

Joe and Clarence

Lieberman and Thomas, that is.

What do they have in common? They don't think about the crucially important issues of the day in their fields - by their own admissions.

Remember Thomas telling us he 'had no opinion' on Roe v. Wade? Not that he thought we didn't need to know his opinion, that his opinion would have no bearing on his rulings - that he had no opinion.

And now Joe is telling us (well, telling The Hartford Courier Courant) that "Uh, I haven't thought about that enough to give an answer." What was "that"? Oh, just whether the country would be better off if the Democrats take back Congress next month.

He hasn't thought about it enough???

Frankly, I don't believe him.

But if I did, it wouldn't make me inclined to respect him, or vote for him. How can he possibly have no opinion on that question? How can he be so disconnected from politics - he is a politician, after all! How disinterested in the country would he have to be for this to be true?

(Remember when Ralph Nader told us that there was no difference between the two parties? Perhaps not in the one area Nader cared about, but no difference? Ralph, you're so blinkered you're blind.)

Joe's not that blinkered. He's just lying to us.

And why would he do that, since he's not running as a Republican?* It can only be because he doesn't want us to know what he really thinks - and if he thinks he's still a Democrat, why wouldn't he want us to know that?

Be warned, Connecticut: Joe is a Republican in "Independent Democrat"'s clothing. If you have thought about it, and you think Senate control is important, and you think Democratic Senate control is important, don't vote for him.
*Apropos of that, I really think John Gianetti needs to take down every one of his campaign signs saying "Re-elect John Gianetti Democratic Senator". The man's a Republican now - openly, unlike Joe - and Jim Rosapepe is the Democratic candidate.

Maybe the Gianetti people could just get black paint and draw a big X over the word "Democratic" on Gianetti's signs and posters: it would reflect the reality.

Updated: Joe is now saying he intends to caucus as a Democrat. Given that the Democrats have won, and he'll lose all his seniority if he switches, I believe him.

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At 1:52 PM, October 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

«And now Joe is telling us (well, telling The Hartford Courier)»

The Hartford Courier? Or the Hartford Courant (as the French au courant, well informed)?

«Remember when Ralph Nader told us that there was no difference between the two parties?»

Well, but that was rhetoric: "The two parties have fuzzied themselves so much that they might as well be the same. I am different. Vote for me." We're not supposed to take that stuff at face value, any more than we're supposed to believe that, say, Poland Spring really is better water than Volvic. We know it's a sales pitch.

This is different. I think Joe really is trying to make people believe that he hasn't thought about it, because he's above that, because he's too busy thinking about more important things, things he wants us to vote for him for, things that make him better'n Ned.

«He's just lying to us.»

Ya think?

My neighbours in Connecticut already chose Ned Lamont over Joe Lieberman. I can only hope they stick with that choice in three weeks. [It's easy for me: Senator Clinton's opponent is a moron who'll probably get no more than 20% of the vote. And for you, too: I don't think Senator Sarbanes is in any danger, right? (And, hey, ya gotta love "Senator Barb's Favorite Crab Cake Recipe".)]

At 6:29 PM, October 16, 2006 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Of course it's the Courant. Duh.

And actually, Sarbanes is retiring, so his seat's open. But I don't think Ben Cardin is going to have much trouble shifting over to the Senate.


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