Saturday, October 21, 2006

Where are those cameras?

Meteor poster"Meteor" is on Retroplex and I watch it (again) - well, listen to it, really, as I finish up Assassination Vacation. I can always listen to Sean Connery, and Brian Keith's Dubov cracks me up. I love the fact that his Russian is so fluent when he doesn't understand a word of it, having memorized the lines under Natalie Woods' tutelage. I also love the moment when they launch the Russian missiles and Dubov wipes his eyes, saying an unsubtitled "Мои дети, мои дети" (my children, my children), and that lovely passing moment where Connery's Bradley is punching keys on his humongous desk calculator and writing down the figures and the camera pans across to Dubov, who seems to be doing the same thing and then you realize his finger/hand motion is all wrong and at the last possible moment you get it: he's using an abacus.

Of course, most of the movie is incredibly clichéd and predictable, and you can see Connery flinch just before he gets hit with the mud when the river is breaking through the tunnel (I am Dubovnow reminded of George Clooney talking about how much they hated Mark Wahlberg, who couldn't control his reaction to the sound of the tank that was going to dump punishing masses of water on them for the climax of "Perfect Storm" so every take after the first one was ruined and they kept having to do it over and over until Wahlberg was too exhausted to react... I guess the makers of "Meteor" figured they could rationalize that Bradley could guess what was coming... but I digress)

What I really want to know is: where are all those cameras? The ones showing us the satellites and missiles and all. I don't mean the narrative shots, the ones for the movie audience - I mean the ones all the technicians and scientists keep watching on their monitors. I figure they must have at least five or six positioned right up there next to the secret satellites, including one right under the rockets on the American missiles! It's pretty ridiculous, really.

Of course, it doesn't stop me watching the movie whenever I run across it...



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