Monday, November 13, 2006

Five years and counting...

The BBC is doing a story on British troops in Afghanistan, where "five years ago today the Taliban was driven from the Afghan capital and people were cheering. Today, it's a very different story."

"A resurgent Taliban takes on British soldiers..." It's a bleak story, despite the hopeful words from some of the soldiers. What the bloody hell are they - or we - still doing fighting the Taliban? How did we get sidetracked into Iraq before we finished the job against those who harbored those who actually had attacked us? Did we think it was easy, over so quickly?

Or was the current president never focussed on bin Ladin and the Taliban? Did he have other things on him mind? Was he telling us the truth when he said Osama bin Laden was "not that important", "not our priority", and that he was "truly not that concerned about him"?

Will he ever apologize to everyone who has died in the past five years in Afghanistan, back-burnered into an ellipsis of history by his Saddam obsession?

Will the Democrats ask for - and insist on - answers?

Or will we continue to ignore the War on Terror's first front - and those still fighting, and dying, and trying to win there?

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