Monday, December 11, 2006

The machines don't threaten my job much ... yet

If this is an example of where automated machine translation is at the moment, that is. I was hunting something on Solzhenitsyn (that post is elsewhere) and found this. Being unsure of the word поводырь (povodyr), I hit the "translate this page" link. Wow... I think I'll make it to retirement age without losing my job!

(Updated to make it clear: I used the link Google provides when you do a foreign language search. I don't know what program it is, but it's not anything like the top-of-the-line machine translation. There are many out there that will do better than this - I just found this one so mind-boggingly, hilariously bad I had to post it. See the comments below for a different, and much better, machine version. We now return to the original post...)

Here find the Russian, the machine "translation", and my translation ... on the other post I have a more fluent translation; this one is too literal, but I did it like that to show the problems more clearly. Among them - vocabulary, even when it didn't just give up, it was often wrong ("will return" as "is"???); syntax - it can't recognize the purpose of cases; the wrong assignment of gender ("him" as "it"); tense (future rendered as past); omitted subjects provided incorrectly ("nothing" supplied as "we"); inability to recognize the predicative function of short forms ("is too great" rendered as "too great"); supplying the generally omitted present tense of "be" as "do"; and lots of words just left out.

Note that поводырь means "guide" - as in a sighted person who leads a blind one, also applied to Seeing Eye dogs; it does not mean "returning". Kids: don't trust that "translate this page" link!

Казалось: он вернется - и все изменится.
It seemed : it will, and everything will change.
It seemed like: he would return and everything would change.

Сточные канавы обернутся благоухающими реками, жухлые травы - цветочными полями...
Waste ditch rise blagouhauschimi rivers juhlae grass-flower fields ...
Waste ditches would turn into fragrant rivers, smutty grasslands - flowering fields...

"Не стоит село без праведника..." - наивно повторяла я финальную фразу "Матрениного двора".
"There is no village Just ..." naive - I repeat final phrase "Matreninogo yard."
"Cannot stand the village without a righteous person..." naïvely I repeated the final sentence of "Matryona's Yard (Homestead)."

Да, да, он приедет, и все будет по-другому.
Yes, Yes, he came, and things will be different.
Yes, yes: he will arrive and everything will be different.

Вот он вернулся, и ничего не изменилось: потому, что не должно было измениться.
That he returned, and nothing has changed : the fact that we do not have to change.
And then he returned, and nothing changed: because nothing had to change.

Слишком велика инерция страны, катящейся в пропасть.
Too great inertia, rolling into the abyss.
Too great is the country's inertia, plunging into the abyss.

Никто не захотел его слушать.
Nobody wanted to listen to it.
No-one wanted to listen to him.

В обоснование нежелания писались высоколобые статьи, где черным по белому доказывалось, что великий писатель пропустил свое время, опоздал с возвращениями, да и само общество становится у нас современным, и более не нуждается в духовных учителях и поводырях.
In support reluctance written vsokolobae, where black and white argued that the great writer missed time, late returns, and the society is in our modern, and no longer needs to be spiritual teachers and povodarah.
In support of that unwillingness (they) wrote highbrow articles where in black and white (they) proved, that the great writer had outlived his time, was tardy with returning, yes even our society itself had become modern and no longer requires spiritual teachers and guides.

И действительно - зачем нужен поводырь тому, кто и сам знает дорогу к пропасти?..
Indeed, the purpose of returning to who knows the road to the abyss? ...
And indeed - what need of a guide has he who himself knows the road to the abyss?..

А мне нужен поводырь.
And I need returning.
But I need a guide.

Я не сверхчеловек, не рыцарь без страха и упрека.
I do not sverhchelovek not knight without fear or reproach.
I am no superman, no knight without fear or reproach.

Мне легче и яснее на одной планете с Солженицыным.
It is easier and more on the same planet with Soljenistsinam.
It's easier for me, and brighter, on one planet with Solzhenitshyn.

Живите долго, Александр Исаевич.
Live long, Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Live long, Aleksandr Isayevich.

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At 4:47 AM, December 12, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

You didn't give the name of the machine translator you've used for translating Solzhenitsyn's text, but I've put some phrases into (a MT systems developed by Russian), and I've found the translation, although not quite perfect, but more accurate than the variantes of MT given by you. Just compare:

"It seemed: it will return - and all will change"

"Ditches will turn back smelling sweet rivers, withered grasses - flower fields... "

(Here the verb "обернуться" - which can be translated as "turn back" or "turn into something") - is not translated properly, but the second meaning is less frequent than the first one, and it is generally used in poetic texts.

" The village without the rithteous person is not necessary... " - I fondly repeated a final phrase " Матрениного a court yard ".

(here, the verbs стОит and стоИт are confused, they didn't differ in the writing form, although pronounced differenly)
"Matrenin dvor" is a name of a short novel written by Solzhenitsyn, meaning "Matrena's yard" (Matrena is an ancient Russian woman name).

Surely, every machine translation contains some errors, but the text itself is complicated and spiritual, it's almost a poem in prose. A machine translator can extract information from a text, but not the author's feelings, so "let render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's"

At 5:56 AM, December 12, 2006 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Sorry - I thought I had said - it's whatever Google uses when you click on "translate this page" on the Google search returns page.

This post wasn't meant as a serious critique of machine translation as a field - only as a (I hoped) light-hearted warning against people thinking that anything they get from that particular service is reliable.


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