Yes, it's Valentine's Day. Its origins are shrouded in some slight mystery, at least - dedicated to one of three possible - but all mythical and now dropped from the calendar - saints, each named Valentine. Geoffrey Chaucer made up most of the "traditions" out of the whole cloth when he wrote "Parliament of Foules (The Parliament of Birds)", though he probably meant May 2 (the feast day of the very real St Valentine of Genoa). Thus, it's a day marked by confusion and making things up from the very beginning, a holiday celebrating romantic love - which means, in practice, obsession, stalking, unrequited love, sex, and desperately searching for a date. Plus conspicuous consumption and marketing.
But it's also a holiday celebrating love and family and the hopeful virtues and values.
As I said in the call for submissions: priority was given to those posts dealing with the traditional Valentine's topics - love, birds, chocolate, Chaucer, jail, conspiracies, making things up, death, and political persecution ... but any good post dealing with liberalism in any form was considered, and the ten best were chosen. It wasn't easy - most of the posts were excellent - but ten is the limit.
So, here they are:
Reality-based government : Barry at
Staring at Empty Pages explains why we don't have it - and do need it
Ode to the Great Molly Ivins : Mad Kane, she of
Political Madness, offers a tribute to the late and much missed columnist
Between the Needle and the Noose : Ruchira Paul at
Accidental Blogger asks, 'why is the man who gleefully presided over more than 150 executions now fighting to save Saddam Hussein's former vice president Taha Yassin Ramadan?'
For my friends and readers who are not parents :
Blue Gal offers a reassurance to those who miss having children
Dear Representatives and Senators : Montag at
Stump Lane writes his congressfolk on a topic near and dear to his heart
The problem with detention without trial : Idiot/Savant at
No Right Turn looks at the erosion of human rights in the war on terror
Trust Matters : Charles H Green at
Trusted Advisor Associates explores how capitalism may be killing democracy
Top 5 Reforms Nobody's Talking About :
The Soggy Liberal applauds the first 100 days and offers an agenda for the next
On Edwards, Bloggers, and Religion : Coturnix at
A Blog Around the Clock takes a look at the Edwards blogger brouhaha and why it played out as it did, considering the realities of politics, the blogosphere, and the role of religion in today's America

And finally
George W Bush's Netflix Queue :
The DVD Dossier Blog explores the president's movie viewing preferences and habits and what he's got queued up
That's it for the 32nd edition of Carnival of the Liberals. Next time (Feb 28) Blue Gal is the host. See you then!
Labels: carnivals, links, politics
Great job! I've got a tough act to follow.
And thanks for including my post. Honored to be amongst my betters, here.
Thank you Ridger, for taking the trouble. All great posts.
Nice job. Thanks for including my letter. Looks like there's a lot of interesting work here. I'll be all day reading.
Dammit, Ridger. Were it not for the fact that I'm on your blogroll, you'd be in big, big trouble for failing to include the best post of the Carnival. But I guess you just wanted to do the liberal thing by sharing the wealth with some of the less fortunate bloggers. So I suppose my fans will let you off the hook this time.
Though honestly, I've never quite known what to think that I've been put into your miscellaneous category. It's like I'm something you'd pick-up at a dollar store or found in someone's junk drawer. But I suppose it does say "good things," so I probably can't complain too much. Besides I really might be in someone's junk drawer.
It means I can't pin you down to one narrow topic. I have considered moving you to the Politics section - and will if you'd prefer.
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