Saturday, March 24, 2007

The first indications

You ought to go check out Talking Points Memo's reminder that the key point about the attorney firings is not "how much did Gonzales know?" (that, as many have pointed it, is something of a strawman), but they don't think it's "what did Rove have to do with it?" either.

They want us to remember that little
change to the Patriot Act that was quietly inserted by Sen. Arlen Specter at the behest of the Justice Department ... [which], in essence, transferred the power to appoint interim USAs from the federal district courts to the attorney general and allowed the attorney general to install interim USAs indefinitely, thereby bypassing the Senate confirmation process.
As David says,

So contrary to earlier assertions, the attorney general was involved in the firings, and higher-ups in the Justice Department knew about the Patriot Act provision.

No surprise there, really. But keep this in mind. Everything the Justice Department has said that later turned out to be false was almost certainly known by the White House to be false, at the time the false statements were made, to the media, and most importantly, to Congress.


What we don't want to do is lose sight of what this is really all about: an attempt to install one party in permanent power.

And while you're over there, try this rundown on where we are and why this matters
There are many people in this conversation trying to avoid the issues, confuse the issues or just ignore them. And more than a few people are just plain confused. But it's not that complicated. Administration officials have repeatedly and demonstrably lied about the firings. And there is now abundant evidence of a pattern of using the president's power to hire and fire US Attorneys to stymie public corruption investigations of Republicans and use the Justice Department to harass Democrats by mounting investigations of demonstrably bogus 'voter fraud' claims. It's really that simple.

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