Saturday, April 14, 2007

1 year anniversary

april visitors map
One year ago today I started this blog. Since then 15,287 people have visited, currently average 36 a day, and 22,913 page views. Okay, those aren't huge numbers, but they're higher than I ever figured they'd be. And you come from all over, too.

The Greenbelt was just prose at first, but then I learned how to do pictures, and discovered carnivals. And I've had fun.

So thank you, the 50 or 60 who come by weekly and the 35-45 who come by daily. I'm glad you enjoy what I do. Keep reading - I'll keep writing.

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At 10:45 PM, April 14, 2007 Blogger John B. had this to say...

Happy blogiversary!

At 7:28 PM, April 15, 2007 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Thanks for being here, and here's to more good years ahead!

At 11:23 PM, April 15, 2007 Blogger fev had this to say...

Ad mea u eshrim!


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