Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Last year the geese had seven goslings and raised four. I don't know if this pair is the same pair or not - frankly, one goose looks much like another to me - or if it's the other pair that was here; there's only one pair here now, but last year they weren't on the same schedule; one set of goslings was great galumphing adolescents while the other was still little and yellow. In fact, I don't know if this pair was here at all last year.

But at any rate - they've hatched their eggs! They laid them back before the cold snap, and the goose sat faithfully on her nest for the whole time - more than a month. There are seven goslings - six in a mob, from what I've seen, and one that kind of straggles around. Here are some pictures I got today.






family early morning

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At 2:05 AM, May 03, 2007 Blogger Unknown had this to say...

Too cute! Love the little lagger.


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