Thursday, April 26, 2007

Charlie from London - still an idiot

Once again, the BBC goes to their resident expert - Charlie Wolf, "a Republican living in London". Once again, Charlie parrots the GOP line verbatim. He tells us that Murtha is "anti-war far left" (he lives in Europe, for God's sake; hasn't he ever met a real liberal?), that the Democrats are pandering to "their angry core, if you will" and that they "want defeat".

You fucking moron, pardon my language.

You think we should give the "new plan" a chance. You know what? The Iraq Accountability Bill doesn't say we pull out the troops tomorrow. It says we give it till June and then - if there are no signs of progress in the White House's opinion - we start pulling out. If there is progress, we stay longer. And it's not like the benchmarks are all that hard to show progress on: Create a program to disarm militias, reduce sectarian violence, ease rules that purged the government of all former Baath Party members and approve a law on sharing oil revenue. And the end-date is non-binding. We could be there longer if things go well - or if they don't. It's a goal.

And if the so-called worst case happens - the enemy does in fact decide to sit on their hands and wait for us to go - that will mean a year of peace for the Iraqi government to get its act together. If they can't do it under those circumstances, they never will.

BBC - can't you find somebody "living in London" who doesn't sound like he works for the White House? We can hear that every day here.

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