Saturday, April 14, 2007

Definition, please

What's that game where you make up definitions and the other players try to guess which is the real one? Let's try it at home, shall we?

Here's our word: Unacceptable

And here's our choices:

(a) not acceptable : not pleasing or welcome
(b) something associated with the Democrats

Not sure? Like the spelling bee, I'll use it in a sentence for you...
On Tuesday, President Bush insisted to members of an American Legion post in Virginia that "The bottom line is this: Congress's failure to fund our troops will mean that some of our military families could wait longer for their loved ones to return from the front lines. Others could see their loved ones headed back to war sooner than anticipated. This is unacceptable. It's unacceptable to me, it's unacceptable to our veterans, it's unacceptable to our military families, and it's unacceptable to many in this country."
But wait! We need a little context:
On Wednesday, SecDef Gates announced that tours of duty for members of the U.S. Army will be extended from 12 months to 15 months effective immediately. ...This will allow the service to maintain the level of effort in the region for a year, Gates said. The five-brigade surge in support of the Baghdad security plan calls for 20 U.S. brigades in Iraq by the end of May.
It's so clichéd to quote Inigo Montoya, but ... I don't think that word means what the current president thinks it does. Either that, or he really doesn't know what the hell is going on inside his administration - like Gonzales doesn't know what goes on inside his department - and somebody else is making all the decisions.

Or, of course, he's a posturing hypocritical demagogue.



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