Thursday, April 26, 2007

It's called quote-mining, Dick, and it's lying

No more out of context quotes. Harry Reid didn't say "The war is lost." with a capital T and a full stop and nothing else.

Quote-mining is dishonest. I'm used to seeing it in the Creation-Evolution debate, and the Religion-Secular debate, and it stinks there. It stinks worse in politics.

Dick Cheney is no more honest than the lowest troll on Pharyngula or Pooflingers Anonymous. It's time he was told we're on to him, and to speak plainly and honestly or shut up and sit down.

Here's what Harry Reid actually said (italics on the immediate context):
I told President Bush that after five years, more than 3,300 American soldiers lost and billions depleted from the treasury, we must change course.

Conditions in Iraq get worse by the day, and now we find ourselves policing another nation's civil war.

We are less secure from the many threats to our national security than we were when the war began.

And as long as we follow the President's path in Iraq, the war is lost. But there is still a chance to change course - and we must change course.

No one wants us to succeed in the Middle East more than I do. Our brave men and women overseas have passed every test with flying colors. They have earned our pride and praise, more importantly, they deserve a strategy worthy of their sacrifice.

The supplemental bill we passed with bipartisan support offers just that. It includes a reasonable and attainable timeline to reduce combat missions and refocus our efforts on the real threats to our security.

It offers a new path, a new direction forward. If we put politics aside, I believe we can find a way to make America safer and stronger.

If Dick Cheney doesn't see the difference, he's a stupid stupid man. And he's not - he's just a liar.

And the media should stop letting him get away with it. Every time they report his lie, they should add the full quote. (Not that I'm holding my breath.)

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