Friday, April 13, 2007

Okay, back to the important stuff

Not that Imus doesn't deserve to be fired - his comments were a blend of racism and misogyny, and most people don't even seem to have noticed that while the Rutgers team was explicitly insulted (several times), the Lady Vols were demeaned as well, relegated to some acceptable-in-comparison status that exists to pleasure people like Imus.

But let's not let the media circus over that jackass distract us from important things - like Monica Goodling and the Regent University alumnus presence in the DoJ - 150 grads from a 10-year-old law school tied for 136th in the nation, a law school ranked "fourth-tier" and founded by Pat Robertson.

Or the White House use of GOP email accounts which were then, er, deleted.

Or the Milwaukee federal corruption case, dismissed by the judge as having been brought with evidence "beyond thin" - part of the federal attorney scandal and the GOP obsession with voter fraud.

Or many other things wrong in our government today.

Sure, Imus deserved to be fired. And maybe it's the sign of a seachange which means that it's no longer okay to talk like that in public. But it wasn't really one of the top five news stories of the day.

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