Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Silence at Fort Irwin

W at Ft Irwin

Bush went to Fort Irwin to give his latest speech about the war and how he's right right right and everyone else is wrong.

He used the troops as backdrop for his speech - pure political theater and so typical - but find a clip and watch: the troops are sitting there with emotionless faces, and not once do they applaud, or even look approving. Sure, they don't boo - but then that's against regs.

W at Ft Irwin

W at Ft Irwin

(title of this post by Keith Olbermann's Countdown - maybe they'll have some footage there later)



At 1:07 PM, April 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

50,000 USA soldiers died in Vietnam, thinking they were fighting communism and the "domino effect". Now USA borrows from communist China in order to give to Israel, an overwhelming majority of USA goods are manufactured over in communist China, and China has over 1 trillion in USA dollars. The politicians used communism in order to enrich their own coffeurs, and they're doing the same thing now. Are we going to let the memory of our soldiers be forgotten? Borders are wide open, illegal immigration is rampant, more terrorists now exist than before the war, trillions being wasted in Iraq with no end in sight, more soldiers have died in Iraq than on 911, no WMD, no imminent threat, hundreds of tons of depleted uranium being released into the atmosphere, resulting in radiation poisoning. Our soldiers are needed, but they are needed home. Support the troops. Stop the war based on lies.


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