Thursday, April 05, 2007

A simple question

Men can wear the same tux for their whole life. Women are supposed to get a new dress for every occasion.

So why do men get to rent, but women have to buy?



At 10:05 AM, April 06, 2007 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Let's see...
'cause... we don't care whether everything we wear looks the same.
'cause... we don't care whether we're wearing something that looks the same as what every other guy is wearing.
'cause... we don't care whether what we're wearing actually fits perfectly.

You might say, well, the question is really "Why [the above]?", and I'd say it's just social norms. A woman certainly can rent, if she also decides that she doesn't care [about the above], and doesn't care that the media will print, "And The Ridger showed up again in the same dull, ill-fitting rag that she arrived in last time." And the men who do care... and can afford to... buy.

Me, I just don't do "formal".

At 11:50 AM, April 06, 2007 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

No, you missed my point. My point was, given that men can in fact wear the same thing every time, why don't they buy it? Can the rental fee really be that cheap compared to buying one?

At 1:38 PM, April 06, 2007 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Ah, right, got ya.

The answer to that, then, is my last sentence. I think that if I dressed formally more than, say, once or twice a decade (the last time for me was more than five years ago), I would buy.

At 1:43 PM, April 06, 2007 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Oh, and the price...
I don't know what formal wear costs, but the rental in 2001 was about USD 100, top to bottom (shirt, trousers, tie, shoes, jacket — I wore my own undies).


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