Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Spring Break?

If I were Belgian, I'd be pissed.

I'm not, but I'm pissed anyway.

Sam Fox is now the ambassador to Belgium - last week, Bush withdrew the Swift Boater's nomination because it was clear the votes for confirmation weren't there; today he made a recess appointment and voila!

Recess appointments are supposed to be used to fill vacancies that come up in emergencies. Bush uses them to make end runs around Congress. Bolton - that worked so well - and now Fox.

The White House so fucking arrogant it's breath-taking.

(ps - how hypocritical do you have to be to do this:
(a) criticize Congress for going "on spring break"
(b) grab the opportunity to appoint someone who could not be confirmed
(c) and then go on vacation yourself?)



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