Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Efter brylluppet (After the Wedding) - a very fine Danish film, a bit soapy but not overwhelmingly so. Brilliant performances, and a plot that isn't half as contrived as you start out thinking it is. My only real complaint is that the director made herself too obvious, too intrusive at times, with her strange cuts and inserts and insisntence on closeups of eyes and noses ... you kept getting jerked out of the story for a moment. But the movie is still very good and worthy of its OscarĀ® nomination, though the right movie still won.

DVD: Yay! My Richard Attenborough DVDs came! Planet Earth, the Life collection, and Blue Planet. Also watched the first four eps of Mirage of Blaze, which is intriguing - I'm not sure precisely what's going on and that makes it fun.

TV: House (It's just a bit hard to tell whether House is ticked at Wilson for dating Cuddy, or just for dating, isn't it?); Scrubs (I do love the Todd. And I love how his surname (the fact that he even has a surname is funny for some reason) makes me think of Dr Quinn...)

Read: Language Crimes by Roger Shuy - a fascinating look at forensic linguistic analysis of tape-recorded conversations; some more of In the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader which is a very good book about N. Korea and the Kims but not a can't-put-it-down one; finished up Howard Who?, and I have to admit that I cried at the end of Heirs to the Perisphere and I don't even like Mickey Mouse... Also Suffer the Little Children by Donna leon, latest in her excellent series.



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