Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Intergrity and Millions of Dollars - 100% risk free (sorta knda)

Mr. Daniel Kojo of the International Commerce Bank of Uganda sent me an email. He assures me that
I came to know you in my Private Search for a reliable and reputable person to handle this Confidential Transaction. I am 44years of age and married with 3 lovely kids.
I'm not sure why he thinks I'll trust him more knowing he's a family man; he's clearly ready to rip off his employers for a substantial sum. But then he adds this reassuring(?) personal character assessment:
It may interest you to hear that I am a man of PEACE and INTERGRITY
Ummm... no, Daniel; it doesn't interest me. Though at least you aren't claiming integrity here.

His report makes me worry about the future of the bank, in fact:
On the course of last year 2006 end of year report, I discovered that an excess profit of four million five hundred and fifty thousand dollars [US$4,550,000.00] which my head office are not aware of and will never be aware of.
It's bad enough that four and half million can pile up without any auditors noticing - but check this risk assessment!
Note that there are practically no risks involved in this transaction as it is 100% risk free
Yikes! 100% risk free, and yet there are still risks!

So, no thanks, Mr Kojo. Find another sucker. Your Private Search (is that the same as "wide-spread spam"?) must continue...

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