Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday's Science Links

This week's science links
  1. Bee at Backreaction gives us an overview of extra dimensions from Nordström in 1913 to the present day.

  2. Larry Moran at Sandwalk tells us how penicillin works.

  3. Tommaso Dorigo, a Quantum Diaries Survivor, gives us a a graph showing the tediousness of reviews and how it depends on the interest of the subject. Funny - and applicable across disciplines, I would imagine.

  4. Jochen at Belltower Birding takes a look at cedar waxwings and how they avoid predation while preening through color, shape, and behavior.

  5. Aydin Örstan at Transitions remembers the late Gavin de Beer and his contributions to evolutionary theory.

Go forth and learn!

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