Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Week in Entertainment

Live: P.D.Q. Bach and Peter Schickele: The Jekyll and Hyde Tour. See this post for details.

DVD: Lagaan - I do like Aamir Khan, and this movie is amazingly good.

TV: I DVR'd Stargate but haven't watched it yet... I'm torn about the series ending. I'll definitely miss it, but this year has been of mixed quality.

Read: I had just barely started Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World last week and got distracted by the arrival in the mail of Michael Chaybon's latest - the utterly brilliant Yiddish Policeman's Union. So I read that and will re-start the Murakami this week, probably. Though since I found Henning Mankell's The Man Who Smiled - previously unpublished in North America and only just published in the UK, the one where Wallander thinks about quitting. So you can see I have to read that first... And I've just picked up The Assault on Reason. So I won't finish the Murakami this week, since I do have to work. (Vacation's not till the beginning of July...)



At 10:27 PM, June 19, 2007 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Ah, "Lagaan"... that's what taught me cricket. Every obscure, bizarre rule crops up SOME time during the movie.

And the scene where they break into song and dance when the see the clouds coming, and then the storm passes them right by is... well, it's just classic.


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