Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bad Analogy

So, we were just treated to an extended analogy about how hard it is for Sergio.
It's like [basketball player whose name I didn't catch] on the free throw line in game 7, and he's got two shots, one to tie and one to win. He makes the one to tie and all the fans are screaming and he's at the line and then the referee blows his whistle and comes up and says, "No, not today. You have to do it tomorrow." Now, I'm not saying he wouldn't make the shot, but he wouldn't get much sleep.
Sorry, guy. That's just silly.

Every single tournament he's ever played in has been like this. You always have to come back and play the fourth round on a different day. Just like that basketball player had to play game 7 on a different day than game 6.

Your silly little analogy would hold if Sergio was one stroke up with one hole to play and suddenly the Carnoustie course marshals decided that it was too dark, or the skies open with accompanying lightning, and he had to play 18 Monday.

This - waiting to play the fourth round in what might be his first major victory - might have been tough on Sergio (though, unlike Stricker, he certainly hit a nice first shot), but it isn't like your analogy.

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