Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Boneyard #1

the boneyard
Oooooo. New Carnival to enjoy! The Boneyard - a carnival devoted to all things paleontological.. Number 1 (yes, I'm here at the start!) is up Laelaps.

What's there? Lots. For instance, "The big news that everyone has been talking about this week is a new paper in the journal Science announcing evidence that groups of animals present in the Late Triassic of New Mexico (including those who shared recent ancestors with the dinosaurs, like Dromomeron romeri announced in the paper) did not simply vanish the moment dinosaurs came on the scene. A squad of accomplished paleo-bloggers have provided excellent commentary on the new paper.... As any good paleontologist knows, though, fossils don’t begin and end with dinosaurs."

If you like paleontology head on over.

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