Sunday, July 22, 2007

Carnival of the Godless 71

The 71st Carnival of the Godless is up over at Aardvarchaeology (Technorati's #1 archaeololgy blog). Although it's not one of his usual topics - I'll let him explain: "Aardvarchaeology is mainly about Scandinavian archaeology and various skeptical issues, but I rarely discuss religion much. You see, in my native Sweden, it's not such a big deal. Few people here give much thought to faith issues. Our churches are empty and our political discourse godless." - Martin has done an excellent job of providing links packed with freethoughty and even downright atheistic goodness for your Sunday morning's reading pleasure - or, if you haven't finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows yet, your whenever- you-get-around-to-it reading pleasure. My own thoughts on the futility of non-sectarian prayer made it; also recommended are Sean at Black Sun Journal's Atheist 'Metaphysics' and Religious Equivocation; Daylight Atheism's great Ebonmuse's answer to Michael Gerson, who told us "what atheists can't answer"; and Hell's Handmaiden's review of Coral Ridge Ministry's new movie, Atheism: the religion of fools (spoiler: she's not impressed). But I'm certainly not saying those are the only things worth reading! So head on over and drink the heady draft of godlessness...

And if you won't go for anything else, go for the picture - it alone is worth the click!

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