Monday, July 09, 2007

Hating Judicial Activism in the Third Person Only

This isn't behind the paywall, so I'll give you the first two paragraphs and send you over to the Times for the rest:
The Supreme Court told Seattle and Louisville, and hundreds more cities and counties, last month that they have to scrap their integration programs. There is a word for judges who invoke the Constitution to tell democratically elected officials how to do their jobs: activist.

President Bush, who created the court’s conservative majority when he appointed Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, campaigned against activist judges, and promised to nominate judges who would “interpret the law, not try to make law.” Largely because of Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito, the court has just completed one of its most activist terms in years.

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At 4:00 PM, July 09, 2007 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

I think the NYT link you posted will go into the archive in a couple of weeks, and will no longer be accessible (though I'm not certain). But they provide a way to get a permalink on most articles. Click "SHARE" over on the right of the article, then select "PERMALINK", and it will give you something like this:

...which is guaranteed to remain valid "forever" (whatever that really means), even after the original link falls off the face of the Earth.

All of the NYT links I post to my blog are permalinks or RSS links (which they say have the same permanence).

At 4:58 PM, July 09, 2007 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...


And done.


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