Thursday, July 26, 2007

I and the Bird 54: writing about birds

Ms Miller at The Egret's Nest hosts a very nice I and the Bird, handing out grades on our papers about birds. She says "We had papers that covered birds from around the world, birds that are common and birds that are familiar." (She's also a pretty lenient grader: about my Feeding Time at the Metro she says: "The Ridger’s piece incorporates marvelous photography but is short on text. This was a writing assignment, The Ridger! However, you clearly grasped the topic. Grade: A". Gotta love those enthusiastic teachers!)

Anyway, head over to the Nest, play with the ravens (you'll see what I mean), and read the papers. They're all good, especially James Birdman's piece on various starlings in Africa (that's where they belong, grrr) - you'd hardly think such gorgeous critters as the Superb, Hildebrandt's, Abbott's, and Violet-backed Starlings were related! - Lynne at Hasty Brook's gorgeously illustrated dippy goldfinch story, Duncan at Ben Cruachan's post on winter birds (he is in Australia), Jeff at Ecobirder's post on bridges and birds ... ah, heck. If I keep this up I'll be listing 'em all and stealing her links - so just go to the Egret's Nest yourself! Well worth your while.

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