Saturday, July 14, 2007

More fun with grammar checker

"He’s got fifty dollars and change in the desk; if he’d meant to go he’d’ve taken that with him."

Grammar checker wants that to change to either
He’s got fifty dollars and change in the desk; if he’d meant to go he’d has taken that with him.
He’s got fifty dollars and changes in the desk; if he’d meant to go he’d’ve taken that with him.
Okay. First, he'd has??? How can it possibly recommend that?

And second, why is it ignoring that semicolon and trying to force agreement across it? Pretty warped agreement at that.




At 5:57 PM, July 14, 2007 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

It's simple: computers are crap at human-language grammar. Grammar checkers are only useful for people who need them. You don't need them, so they serve you as amusements, at best; at worst, they're worse than useless.

I disable every grammar checker I run across. Their kind of "amusement", I don't need.

[Now, what does the grammar checker think of this comment, hm?]

At 6:22 PM, July 14, 2007 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

What gets me is, the thing recognizes "he'd've" (though the spelling checker doesn't: none of its recommendations are "he'd have", they're "would've, could've, he'd, she'd, they'd") and yet blithely suggests "he'd has" as a valid substitution. It's so... bizarrely inconsistent.

Also, only amusing to a certain degree. I hate it when my students rely on it and end up with crappy sentences.


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