Thursday, July 19, 2007

One word on the all-nighter

So, lots of people are making fun of the all-nighter. Hardly anybody dares call it what it was: an attempt to stop a Republican filibuster.

Yes. Filibuster.

Remember when the GOP hated filibusters? Back when they were in charge?

Of course they are still, kinda. The Democrats don't have 60 votes, so they can't force cloture.

Which means that the GOP can filibuster and prevent voting.

Yeah. There aren't enough votes to override a veto, but the GOP is afraid to vote on the amendment. Why?

Can it be because they're afraid of having their votes on record?

After all, it's a vote on a timetable to withdraw from Iraq - and even most of them have constituents who want the hell out now - and they don't dare even vote on it.

So what's the sham?

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At 8:55 PM, July 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

mullah cimoc say fake free press of usa twist brain of ameriki people.

cbs the neutralized, nbc and abc both the pro war propaganda each day.

learn how usa agent controlling the tv station: inside the company, a cia diary by phillip agee (dated but relevant-banned book, available for used bookstore online.

ahora usa media him never mention these two word: "neocon" and "weapon mass destruction". why? A: because everyone to remember him israeli spies (neocon) lie usa into war with fake wmd intel. now never mention perle, wurmser, feith, et al.

but kagan of "surge" am him neocon? A: yes, and father too. but him so fat and cannot move. him mental sick to have such the fat body.

some stupid ameriki so pride want kill iraki for no reason even if all the lying of usa government and controlling usa the israeli spy.

this same ameriki so blind not see usa be destroy while him leaderss fiddling the song:

now in usa cheeseburger and fry costing $9.65, plus tax. nice home for the family 500,000 dolar now cheap price. But usa govt say not the inflation

Woman of ameriki too many slut whore of take LBT (low back tattoo) sex every man even the gang member. (in waziristan these gang member get beating and father beated also, and if not repent-- kill both). usa woman not bear the child. just take the meth and the abortion for kill beautiful baby. so sad and not the justice-but have the new car and the cheese nacho of 711.

this mean whitie of ameriki him extinction coming.

but still to love the kill and torture. why him not understand the destroy coming.


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