Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: A couple eps of a British show called The Last Detective with Peter Davision; I do like him and the show's fine - nothing spectacular, but a good solid police show. Also Dark City - this movie, which I found a mention of a couple of weeks ago on a blog (I've forgotten which one but they were talking about how odd it is for Kiefer Sutherland to be a "hero"), is really good. It's confusing (in a positive way) and mesmerizing and visually arrresting. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. Highly.

TV: The Doctor - this was a good ep, some nice character bits. I wonder what the Face of Boe meant - I daresay we'll find out someday. Also (as anyone who looked at my blog today knows) some British Open - most of Saturday and all of Sunday. Oh, Sergio! Sergio! So close to the Claret Jug...

Read; Finished up The Hundred Secret Senses, very good. Read No Nest for the Wicket (Donna Andrews's comic mystery series, very enjoyable), and, of course, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. All I'll say about that is: very satisfying.



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