Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Res ipsa loquitor

Vihar Sheth at green | rising referred to William Rivers Pitt's brilliant truthdig column "How Dick Cheney Broke My Mind" in his CotL post. You should read that post (see my previous) but you should really read this column even if you stay away from the CotL for some reason. It's not only a tour-de-force of writing, it's a tour-de-force of outrage.
I was absolutely savaged by an unexpected emotional detonation on Thursday. Every rough emotion I am capable of experiencing - anger, fear, sorrow, rage, bitterness, despair, loathing, astonishment, woe, regret, horror, fury - erupted within me at the same time that day. I spent hours in the aftermath trying to type an accurate description of what had happened to me and why, but I failed. For the first time in a long, long while, I was completely unable to write.

What could have been powerful enough to huff and puff and blow my house down? What manner of mind bomb could hurl me so far off kilter that I was incapable of explaining it on paper?

It was, of course, Dick Cheney.

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