Sunday, September 16, 2007

How many countries in Iraq?

Over at Talking Points Memo, the've looked into the president's claim that there are 36 members of the "coalition of the willing".

So there you have it: 26 in MNF-I; seven in the Nato non-combat force; and three guarding UNAMI. Thirty-six!

Only... not. First, Canada withdrew its single soldier to UNAMI in June. (New Zealand does contribute its own soldier -- that's soldier, singular -- to UNAMI, along with, one hopes, bootleg DVDs of Flight of the Conchords.) Second, the aforementioned CRS report (pdf) notes that Tonga has withdrawn its force from Iraq; and, accordingly, MNF-I no longer includes Tonga on its list of coalition members. Additionally, isn't sure whether Hungary has anyone in Iraq as part of the Nato force. (No one's answering the phones at the Hungarian embassy in Washington, either.) And, lest we forget, Iceland is sending its press aide -- apparently not really a soldier -- home from Baghdad on October 1.

But assume the White House is correct on Hungary. And also concede that Iceland isn't out yet. Still, by the accounting of the White House, at least two of the nations the president cited last night aren't in Iraq in any capacity anymore.

There's more; check it out.

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