Friday, September 14, 2007

The surge != the troops

"The Democrats are proposing that the troops be withdrawn, but now so too is President Bush." Thus spoke someone whose name I didn't catch from Chatham House on BBC World Update.

In his own idiom: rubbish, sir. Rubbish.

The president is proposing to withdraw some 21,500 combat troops, possibly 30,000 altogether, by late next summer. That is the "the troops [to] be withdrawn" - that is the surge being over after its normal deployment.

He's not the only person I've heard repeating this line, either; it's all over the American media.

And it's not true.

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At 12:17 AM, September 15, 2007 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

The NY Times is getting it right on its editorial page, at least:
«Mr. Bush’s claim that things were going so well in Iraq that he could “accept” his generals’ recommendation for a “drawdown” of forces was a carnival barker’s come-on. The Army cannot sustain the 30,000 extra troops Mr. Bush sent to Iraq beyond mid-2008 without serious damage to its fighting ability. From the start, the president said that the increase would be temporary. That’s why he called it a “surge.”»


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