Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wait, what - head toe?

I just caught the end of The Fantastic Four and noticed something I'd missed when I saw it in the theater: the ship that's taking Victor von Doom to Latveria at the end has a Cyrillic name painted on it: головка пальца ноги, golovka pal'tsa nogi. Which means "head toe". Is that something meaningful that I'm just not getting?

головка is actually 'little head', or any of a lot of words depending on the context, such as "cap, nozzle, stem, pommel, headpiece, front edge, face, tip, edge..." You get the picture. And пальца ноги is, literlly, "digit/finger of-the-foot", hence "toe".

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At 5:06 PM, January 01, 2009 Blogger Unknown had this to say...

It would be more accurately described as "tip of a toe"

At 5:40 PM, January 01, 2009 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Damn. How did I come to miss that "toe" was in genitive? I'm going to slink away in shame now...



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