Saturday, September 22, 2007

You are not yet ready ... to be EATEN

I've always found commercials where the animals the food is made out of encourage you to eat them extremely strange, even a bit disturbing. (The Dish of the Day at Milliways satirizes this advertising concept beautifully.) I like the cows that climb ladders to paint "Eat more chikin" - that makes sense. Charlie Tuna was unclear on the concept. But Burger King's new commercial for their "spicy chick'n crisp sandwich" is beyond bizarre. The chicken is actually training - working hard - to get eaten. It's as weird as Charlie Tuna.

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At 3:59 PM, September 22, 2007 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

The cow thing reminds me of an old Sandra Boynton calendar that I had, in which the cartoon for November had a bunch of different animals holding up balloons saying "November". In the crowd was a turkey, whose balloon said, "April".


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