Wednesday, October 17, 2007

the doubt is too much, and too well earned

Oh, yeah - one more thing about giving the government the benefit of the doubt "in the first instance at least", as Mukasey said:

This government is so far past the "first instance" it's not funny. Alito and Roberts - especially the latter - lied about precedent and politics, and now we've got a Supreme Court that protects the criminal acts of the government by making it impossible to even challenge them. Gonzales - remember him? - lied about knowing the difference between being White House Counsel - Bush's lawyer - and Attorney General - our lawyer, and you can see what a mess he made of the DoJ.

Mukasey may be upright and honorable, but the administration that nominated him is demonstrably not, not when it comes to appointments.

Please, Senators: do not give him the benefit of the doubt. Make him spell it out.



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