Happy Belated Birthday, Stetson

There was a huge party for him, and it was well-deserved.
As the brief bio on the front page of his website says:
In addition to his passion for folklore, Stetson - during a career spanning over seven decades - has become friends with many literary giants. Including: Erskine Caldwell, who became interested in his work in an essay competition and was so impressed went on to edit his novel on Floridian folklore, "Palmetto Country". He was Zora Neal Hurston's friend and boss in the Florida WPA. In addition, while he was living in Paris in the mid 1950's, Jean Paul Sartre published his book, "The Jim Crow Guide", after Kennedy could not find any American publisher to publish this controversial and eye opening true story.He's still going strong, writing and lecturing.
During and after the late 1940's when Kennedy infiltrated and exposed the Klu Klux Klan and other hate groups- Woody Guthrie, Richard Wright, and W.E.B. Dubois were among his friends. Kennedy's far-flung multiracial experiences nourished and supported his love and concern of humankind. The life Stetson has lead prompted FSU director of black Studies Dr. William Jones to predict that, "Kennedy may well go down as the first investigative historian."
Happy Birthday, best wishes, congratulations, and many thanks.
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