Friday, October 19, 2007

I and the Bird - Videos!

I and the Bird #60: David at Search and Serendipity did a Chaucerian I and the Bird back in the day. Now he's moved on - this edition has videos! What with those and the great posts, it's a set-up for a nice weekend of reading about birds! Some first-time contributors, some long-time contributors, some every-time contributors ... beautiful pictures and lovely words. Even some physics (thanks to GrrrlScientist!). Enjoy - I will, once I get home from work break for lunch.

(12:12) Check out Birds from Tasmania - this eagle is gorgeous, but look at the whole front page for some spectacular shots of very foreign (to me) birds. Great stuff. Also, Journey Through Grace has great vulture shots. And the blog's in Finnish, but a picture is a picture, and Remo has a lovely singing wren. Just a quick sampler - there's much, much more.

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