Monday, October 01, 2007

Monday Science Links

This week's science links:
  • Mark Liberman at Language Log on NYT article about the "happiness gap" and why the actual study doesn't say what the reporter says it did

  • Grrlscientist at Living the Scientific Life on how birds help show us 'why grandmothers?' and how cooperative breeding works.

  • Bee at Back Reaction on communication, and research, and how it's changing, and being changed by, Web 2.0.

  • Brian at Laelaps on the chimpanzees of Mt Assirik and how they live.

  • Edmund Blair Bolles at Babel's Dawn on the FoxP2 gene - the 'language gene' - in bats, who are, as he say, "great vocalizers and, like humans, must attend to very brief differences in sounds if they are to understand the meaning of what they hear."

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